Field Day

 Interested in helping our 4th-6th graders qualify to represent Whispering Wind at the district wide field day? Coach Arthur would love help on 2/21! Peek at the signup genius below to see if you can help share your time!


Reading Night

Mark your calendars for March 27th! Whispering Wind will be hosting their yearly "Reading Night"! There will be activities, Pizza and ability to shop the Scholastic book fair! If you can share your time to volunteer with the book fair, please signup below!



 Summer Movie Fun Fundraiser!

WWA has partnered with Harkins Theaters to allow pre-order access to Summer movie fun tickets! See the form that went home with your student! If you are interested, it's as easy as 1-2-3! (1) select your theater, (2) select your day and (3) provide your payment! Payments can be made via cash or check in the PTSO mailbox, OR pay online via Membership Toolkit!